Dustless Blasting

Dustless Blasting

Dustless Blasting Service

Many of the surfaces we coat need to be cleaned and prepared before coating. We have a dustless blasting division of our company. So, while other contractors may have to hire a third party to take care of any dustless blasting needs, we are able to handle it all in house with our dustless blasting equipment and our employees.

Properly preparing the surface of a garage floor, industrial floor, truck bed or other surface is imperative to the overall quality of the finished product. It the surface isn’t cleaned well and prepared well, the coating applied will not last as long as it should.

We like to keep our projects as clean as possible, which is why dustless blasting is a perfect solution for cleaning surfaces before we apply a new coating.

Dustless Blasting Provides


Dust Supression


Multiple Surfaces


No Warping


Easy Containment


No Friction


No Heat

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